
Halving Cronômetro

Countdown Timer

Bloco Atual


Blocos até o Halving


Mudança de Preço desde o Halving


Inicialmente, quando o Bitcoin foi criado, seu código foi pensado para que a mineração de cada bloco ocorresse aproximadamente a cada 10 minutos. Esta taxa foi escolhida para equilibrar a segurança da rede e a eficiência das transações. No lançamento do Bitcoin em 2009, a recompensa para os mineradores adicionarem um novo bloco ao blockchain era de 50 Bitcoins.

Para garantir um fornecimento gradual e limitado de Bitcoins, o código Bitcoin introduziu o conceito de “redução pela metade”, o que significa reduzir periodicamente as recompensas dos mineiros. Isso ocorre a cada 210 mil blocos minerados, aproximadamente a cada quatro anos. Em 2012, ocorreu o primeiro halving, reduzindo as recompensas dos mineradores de 50 Bitcoins para 25 Bitcoins por bloco minerado.

1500 days
1 day

Este processo foi repetido mais duas vezes, em 2016 e 2020, fazendo com que a recompensa fosse reduzida para 12,5 Bitcoins e depois para 6,25 Bitcoins por bloco minerado. Esta estratégia de redução pela metade foi projetada para diminuir gradualmente a taxa de criação de novos Bitcoins, contribuindo para a escassez planejada e aumentando teoricamente o valor percebido da moeda ao longo do tempo.

A oferta reduzida que entra no mercado pode levar a um choque de oferta semanas após o evento de redução pela metade:

CiclosDataPreço no HalvingATH - PreçoTerminou - Preço
1º Halving28.11.12$ 12.30
$ 1,163(+9,355%)
$ 650.00(+5,184%)
2º Halving9.07.16$ 650.00
$ 19,650(+2,923%)
$ 8,590(+1,221%)
3º Halving11.05.20$ 8,590
$ 73,682(+758%)
$ 63,876(+643%)
4º Halving20.04.24$ 63,876

FAQ Bitcoin Halving:

When will Bitcoin miners' block rewards reach zero?

Additionally, Bitcoin halving dates are coded into the system and will persist until miners’ block rewards reach zero, precisely 0.00000000 BTC. This milestone is anticipated to occur in the year 2140.

What are the implications of reducing Bitcoin mining rewards for the Bitcoin ecosystem?

This systematic reduction in Bitcoin mining rewards, provided to miners for successfully validating and adding new blocks to the Bitcoin blockchain, carries significant implications for the entire Bitcoin ecosystem.

How does a Bitcoin Halving event impact miners' rewards, and what's the next reduction in block rewards scheduled for 2024?

During a Bitcoin Halving event, the block reward is halved, resulting in miners receiving 50% fewer new Bitcoins for their mining efforts. In Bitcoin’s early days, the block reward began at 50 Bitcoins. After the first Halving in 2012, it reduced to 25 Bitcoins. The most recent Halving occurred in 2020, lowering the reward to 6.25 Bitcoins per block. The upcoming Halving, scheduled for 2024, will further reduce the block reward to 3.125 BTC.

Why does Bitcoin Halving occur, and how does it make Bitcoin deflationary?

The Bitcoin Halving serves the purpose of controlling Bitcoin’s inflation rate. By decreasing the rate at which new Bitcoins are generated, it aims to cap the total supply at 21 million, transforming Bitcoin into a deflationary digital asset over time. Historically, this event has significantly influenced the Bitcoin market, often triggering heightened demand and, consequently, potential price appreciation.

Why do people closely watch Bitcoin Halving events?

Investors, miners, and the broader crypto community closely track Halving events due to their potential impact on Bitcoin prices and the overall crypto market. Traders and enthusiasts view this event as a pivotal factor in shaping their investment strategies and market predictions.

What factors might change the timing of the Bitcoin halving date?

The Bitcoin halving date is expected to occur within a few days of the predicted date. However, if the Bitcoin hashrate experiences a substantial increase, the halving date may occur sooner.