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1500 days
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Chart Explained

The Halving Days Chart displays historical Bitcoin price data on a timeline of days since each Halving happened.

1st Halving: Nov 28  2012             Price range: $ 12.22 ~ 650           % change: 5219 %
2nd Halving: Jul 09  2016              Price range: $ 650 ~ 8,570           % change: 1219 %
3rd Halving: May 11  2020            Price range: $ 8,570 ~ 63,850      % change: 645 %
4th Halving: Apr 20 2024              Price range: $ 63,850 ~ now

The Halving Days Chart displays historical Bitcoin price data on a timeline of days since each Halving happened.

1st HalvingNov 28  2012
Price range: $: 12.22 ~ 650

2nd Halving: Jul 09  2016
Price range: $: 650 ~ 8,570

3rd Halving: May 11  2020
Price range: $: 8,570 ~ 63,850

4th Halving: Apr 20  2024
Price range: $: 63,850 ~ now